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Creed (Unfinished Hero, #2) - Kristen Ashley 5 STARS  When I couldn't decide what to read next I decided let me read a KA book Best safety net ever  Wow, I loved this book it was perfect!It is a story about Sylvie and Creed. They met when Sylvie was six years old. The story starts: Sylvie is 34 years old and Creed 39 and what happened in the last 28 years. The story goes back and forth between past and present. It is a story about about finding love again and falling in love or better never falling out of love with the one ,overcoming the past and what happened all those years ago and working through it. Sylvie was a real bad ass. I think this was the first badass girl in KA's books!! She likes guns, can shoot you and beat the living shit out of you :) What I didn't like about the previous book (of Knight) was the Daddy phrase. In this book Sylvie called Creed Grandfather sometimes... But she meant it as a joke and that I didn't mind. I was actually laughing when she called him that.  Favourite "Grandfather" quote / line  “When did Grandpa turn into Take His and My Life in His Hands Maverick Hot Guy?” I asked.“When I took my first job, and Sylvie, warning, another Grandpa crack and your bare ass feels my hand.”.  When did I think Creed was a ass??? The kids names! I mean seriously are you stupid or are you just plain dumb??This book was hot and steamy! 2 badass people having sex! This can get exciting.   “That was just a teaser. I get in the mood, I can go all night. The emergency condom in your wallet isn’t gonna cut it.” I loved reading about Knight and Hawk in this book. Knight was so sweet! I just wished they needed a badass bikerman aka Tack. Well one can dream hey? Hie hie! Then the famous 90%... I don't know I think I expected more. Yes something did happen, but it wasn't as big as her other books at 90%. Or maybe I just didn't think she was in that much trouble because I kinda knew she could take care of herself seeing she was the queen of badass chicks. Haha When I read this quote I couldn't stop laughing:   God did not answer my prayers and made yesterday a bad dream like that whole season of Dallas where Bobby was dead and then, poof, the next season he’s dead and then, poof, the next season he’s in the shower.  Look forward to the next book in the series! Over and out xxx