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Beneath This Man (This Man, #2) - Jodi Ellen Malpas 5 UNBELIEABLE STARS I was so excited about the release of this book. I made Natasha crazy emailing her every day. Oh dear I forgot I email her everyday anyway lol.Was a bit nervous about reading this book. I saw so many mixed reviews on Goodreads, but I loved the first book but the second was just better for me. I think I am in love with Jesse Ward ☺ Do I want him in real life HELL NO. Haha! I will jump off Lusso …Finally he opened up to Ava. Ok she had to work for it, but it was worth it. I loved how she got him to confess his age. That was so funny. He didn’t react so well to that haha! And finally we found out his age. I have to say I was 3 / 4 year out. Haha1. Sarah – OMG I want to rip her head off. 2. Mikael – I would like to see what will happen in the next book, wonder if he WAS the one that spiked her drink 3. Who is Ruth Quinn’s?? I’m wondering if she doesn’t have something to do with Jesse’s part?? There were so many fcuking I couldn’t keep up: 1. Sense fcuk 2. Truth fcuk3. Reminder fcuk 4. Retribution fcuk5. Alfresco fcuk6. Proposal Fcuk Best scene – the rowing machine WOW! I want a damn rowing machine hie hie87% into the book – WTF happened there?? I thought I was going insane. I’m sure Ava was a bit insane at that moment. Favourite Quotes / Lines: “For God’s Sake, woman, I’m not going to dive into the shelves and rip the caps off the bottle. Are you ok”? Hahaha “You already made me need you, and then you destroyed me”“If she says, she’s done a cross-stitch and cleaned the windows, I’’ll hang myself” “You brought me back to life, Ava.”“Baby, have I fcuked you unconscious?” OMW the ending was awesome… Loved it. Inviting her family, the dinner and offcourse the proposal – perfect perfect I’m looking forward to the last installment of the book. Is it Spring in the US yet?? I got this from This Man facebook page – I couldn’t stop laughing. SO JESSE WARD hie hieOver and out my wonderful GR friends.. Now to decide what to read next hmmm what to read what to read. Wish I could get some more Jesse Ward haha